'This is an animated video from Kriti Educational Videos that briefly explains about the food we eat and that eating good food gives us energy and keeps us healthy. It also shows the different types of food like, energy-giving food, body-building food, protective foods etc. Video uploaded under permission from Kriti Prakashan Pvt Ltd, copyright with www.kritiprakashan.com. Mode of communication is English. Contents of video: 1. Food we ear This video is suitable for class 2.'
Tags: science , minerals , vitamins , EVS , types of food , Environmental Science , food we eat , food we eat for class 3 , food we eat for kids , class 2 , PROTECTIVE FOODS , energy-giving food , food we eat for class 2 , Body-building Food , good food habits , Kriti Educational Videos , food we eat in summer , food we eat lesson plan
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